Jpganong déroule sa finale
Retour sur la finale Summer Championship terminée dernièrement.
Jpganong commente les parties qui lui ont permis de remporter le tournoi.
Jpganong commente les parties qui lui ont permis de remporter le tournoi.

Necronut versus jpganong
I was pleased that Jack was SH man for his ability to escape but I never saw a good opportunity. Necro accused with three suspects left due to internet difficulties. I think that if he continued playing he might have eliminated another suspect.
Malgré la présence de Gull, Pizer, Lane au tour 6, l'inspecteur Necronut décide d'accuser.

scalpaf versus jpganong
After making an escape attempt with Goodley in Round 3, I tried to reduce suspicion by moving sub-optimally in round 4. This was risky but the gamble paid off when scalpaf was forced to make an accusation in round 5.
Le tirage du tour 5. L'inspecteur scalpaf obligé d'anticiper son accusation.

jpganong versus Necronut
I was worried here because Nut is a very good player and she had Pizer. But I ruled out Pizer in round 2 since I could have eliminated him as a suspect. Once I eliminated Abberline, it had to be Smith.
Game 80595: speedy versus jpganong
Bert as Jack has a good escape potential in the Extension but I didn’t get anywhere. It came down to 50-50. Bert was more likely than Smith so Speedy made the right decision.

jpganong versus scalpaf
Jack was Stealthy and Pizer was in the game. This is a bad combination for the Inspector and I was worried. In round 2 scalpaf was protective of Stealthy which made me suspicious.
Fin du tour 2 : Jack (scalpaf) protège Stealthy, causant la perte de nombreux suspects, et de la partie.

Lutxo versus jpganong
This was my biggest mistake in the finals. In round 2 I should have moved Lane between Bert and Watson. I was worried about Lane splitting two suspects with his fence but didn’t consider blocking Madame. I tried to salvage as best I could by not illuminating Watson but Lutxo expertly eliminated Watson a few moves later. Even if I had played as planned, it still would have been an uphill battle.
Tour 2, Jack (jpganong) joue Holmes: h6-f7 sans prendre garde au pouvoir de Lane.

jpganong versus Lutxo
Lutxo made a series of great moves and in the end there were three suspects. I knew it was unlikely to be Watson as I was able to isolate him in round 2. So it had to be either Holmes or Bert. Ordinarily I would guess Bert but Lutxo seemed awfully protective of Holmes in round 3.
Tour 6 : Jack (Lutxo) utilise la technique du triangle pour protéger les suspects de Lane.

jpganong versus speedy
Speedy's move in 2.4 only makes sense if Jack is Goodley or SH, so I took a chance and isolated him. It worked.
Le coup Lestrade: d7-a5 (C SW-SE) met SH au premier rang des suspects.

jpganong versus patriceleser
In the end it was a choice between Gull and Lestrade. Gull has the better odds but I could rule him out because he was left vulnerable in round 2.
Game 80428: patriceleser vs jpganong
Early in the game I drew the Bert alibi. I protected Bert the rest of the game. Patriceleser had a 50-50 chance and accused Bert versus Goodley. I think it was the right move but in this case it was wrong.
I am surprised to see that there wasn’t a single escape in all of my final games. Maybe it is because the last players were fairly evenly matched. A fun tournament. A big thanks to Goodvoice!